Monday, November 23, 2009

A Season of Giving!

This time of year is my favorite. Not only do we get to enjoy amazing food, but we get to enjoy some fun times with family and friends. I love getting the decorations out and decorating for Christmas and seeing everyone elses decorations as well. Brad and I enjoy all the fun things you can do during this season like sledding, snowboarding, and ice skating. The only thing about this season that i am not a huge fan of is the cold weather. I love the snow at first, but then when its been around for a while and gets slushy and the salt used to melt the ice leaves a salt line at the bottom of your just gets annoying. But i wouldn't want to be anywhere where I couldn't see God's beauty during all of the four seasons.
This year Brad and I are thankful for so many things. We are so thankful to have such amazing families who care so much for us, who would drop anything for us. We are also thankful to have a warm home and everything inside of it. We are so blessed with what we have, we don't realize it sometimes. We are extremely thankful for the friendship and relationship that we have with each other, and pray that we are reflecting God's image with everything that we do. We give HIM the glory for everything we have!
To update everyone on what we have been doing.........
Well Brad is still coaching his wrestling team and loves it, and so do Brad tends to correct me when I don't use the proper 'wrestling' language. For instance they are "meets" not "games". He is teaching me what the different moves are called and how it is scored. I don't know much about wrestling now, but i am sure I will be a good wrestling coach's wife by the end. My favorite part of it all is watching those little kids try their hardest and when one of them pins the other and looks at the crowd for their parents and gives them a thumbs up with a big grin just melts my heart. He coaches a group that ranges from 1st graders to 6th graders. The little one's are just so adorable! Well besides coaching and working on small projects in the house, Brad is busy working. He is doing so well with this new job, he learns more everyday and I love the stories he tells me when he comes home. Or when he calls me during the day and is so excited to tell me something that happened or what he did, I love him so much! He is such a hard working individual and I am so thankful for everything that he does for us.
Whats going on with me.......well I am busy with school, school, and more school. I am so glad that this is my last year. I am almost done with my first full semester and could not be happier. Another positive to this time of the year.....less school and more family time. The week after Thanksgiving is my last clinical rotation for this semester. I have another big test coming up the week after thanksgiving so I am busy studying for that, I have a paper I need to write but its only about five pages that is due the first week of december, and another paper about 8 pages long on the second week of december. The papers shouldn't be to bad to write cause they aren't to long, but this test is one I need to do well on. So until summer my life consists of studying. I am also working at the hospital still, I really enjoy it and am hoping that when I graduate I can easily get a job there or somewhere else (as long as we don't move away from the area). The only thing about working in the hospital is that you are around so many people who are sick and that can take a toll on you. I have been sick more times this year than I have in such a long time. I am trying to get over a terrible cough right now, but doesn't seem to be breaking up. I am hoping I will feel better in time to enjoy my time with family on Thanksgiving and the day after for black friday. Last year I didn't have black friday off so I am so excited to be out there hours before the sun rises to get some good deals.

Well I better end there as I need to get started on some studying. I love having this entire week of school off, I can actually get some things done. I would love to put some christmas decorations up, but I should wait til Thanksgiving is over......we will see if I can wait. My only concern about the decorations: hopeing Bentley will stay out of them this year, no eating ornaments. Well hope you all give thanks for everything you have and enjoy your time with your family during this holiday season.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Just a little update....

Well it has been a while since I have posted last so there is quite a bit to update on. First of all we finally got a car!!!!! YAY, no more sharing or borrowing cars. Hopefully we will be able to get the other car sold and the saab running so that we can sell that as well. It will be such a blessing if we can get them sold soon so that we can pay some debt off and lower the stress level a little if you know what I mean. We also finally got a new refridgerator that actually works. Don't recommend buying a Haier refridgerator, they seem to freeze the refrigerator food and thaw the freezer food. That fridge also had a hidden leak we didn't know about and ruined our tile floor we just put down by making our subfloor bubble. So we finally got a new one that works great, now we just have to fix the floor. We also got the shower all finished. We are now able to take showers at our own house, taking a bath in the tub isn't always convenient. We are so thankful that we now have two cars (that work), a new working refridgerator, and a shower.
I am finished with the first half of this semester and passed my maternity rotation and loved it. I definitely think that working in maternity is one of my things, but we will see where God leads me. I am now in Med-surg again for the last half of this semester. Med-surg isn't my favorite so I ask that God gives me the strength to get through this and that the nurses there will be willing to help us openly and that our instructor will give us a better idea on what we need to be doing. Other than school, I am just busy working and studying for exams. Brad is enjoying his new job. He is getting used to the early hours but does enjoy what he is doing and seems to enjoy the people he is working with. He just started coaching wrestling for a group of young kids. I don't know the age group but I know they are elementary kids. I am excited that he is doing this coaching thing, he is so good with kids and loves wrestling.
Well that is all I have for now. Hopefully it won't take me so long to update again...sorry. I am off to work soon and hopefully will get some home work done before I go.
Take Care!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Good Dog, Bad Dog

Oh Bentley! I feel like "NO" is the most word in my vocabulary. I love the dog to death, but he goes a little to far sometimes. He is very smart, but sooo sooo sooo stubborn. I am trying to break him in on not eating shoes. I will take the shoe from him tell him "no" and put it back, once I turn away he runs right back and takes the shoe again. After being stern with him and he still takes it...then I beat him with the shoe (ok not beat him, but you know a spankin doesn't hurt) but he still goes back and gets the shoe....I don't understand. I have lost 2 shoes in the process and brad kind of lost one pair but they are still usable, so I wouldn't call that a loss. But thats not the only thing.... he loves to read books, which I can't even count how many he chews up. He ruined a cd a picnic table cover (which had never been used and a wedding gift in our camping package), the remote to unlock and lock the doors to my jeep, and I am sure there are other things that I am not thinking of. Needless to say he has done some done some damage. But when he meets me at the door and shakes is non-existant tail so hard that his bottom shakes too, or when he just can't get close enough to you that you can't breathe (like the second pic), or when he pins you down and nibbles on your ears, and everything else he does that makes me laugh........they erase all the things that he has done that makes me want to scream and becomes the best dog we could ask for. I mean how could you not love that face. He might jump, bark when you don't want him to, put his toy up against you until you pay attention to him, take something you don't want him to have, and run away from you when you call him........but he is a puppy and I wouldn't want him any other way. He's Bentley!

Update: Everything under the sun......

Well this school year has started off and I am so glad it is my last year. It seems weird to me that most of the people that I entered my first year with are now gone and working full time jobs and all the underclassmen look like they belong in middle school. They all look so young. This year will be a little difficult with some tough classes but knowing that this is my last year makes me want to push harder. But I know that there is no way I can get through this alone, besides the support of my amazing husband, God plays a great role in my success.

As many of you know, Brad currently works at Ruth's Chris Steakhouse as a manager. He loves working there and the people that he works with, but he doesn't like his hours (usually 2p-2a). I also strongly dislike his hours as well because I am usually sleeping on the couch and completely out of it when he comes home so I usually go to bed when he gets here and then when we get up he usually leaves for work in what seems like only a few hours from when we wake up. So basically I only get to spend a few hours a day with him, not to mention he works practically everyday he is lucky to get a day off. Not to mention the fact that it is making both of us stressed out cause we don't get to spend very much time together. If you know Brad at all, you should know that he is always looking to better what he does. So he started looking for a new job. God provided him with a new job shortly after he started looking. He job a job as a sales representative for a company called Cintas. He will be working a 9-5 job YAY! We will be back to a normal life. We are so excited that God has answered our prayers to get us out of a situation that was not healthy for us. God is Good!

So some of you might have known that Brad and I bought our second house in January. It was another foreclosure so there was a lot of work to be done. We basically replace everything from floor to ceiling. Everything is basically done except a few minor things other than the bathroom. Brad and I decided to completely strip the bathroom down to nothing and start over. We didn't like the way they had it set up so we made it our way and decided to build our own shower and then put a drop in tub off to the side. Well we have had the tub area done for quite some time, but we are still working on the shower. It has taken so long mostly because brad works way to much and I work and go to school so we don't have a lot of time to work on it and tiling is a process. So since january we have been either taking baths or going to either brad's parents or grandparents house to take a shower, and let me tell ya after doing that for 9 months I am ready for my own shower.....i was really ready for my own shower after a few weeks. But finally we will be finishing the tile on the shower in the next day or two so I am super excited. Then when we thought we were coming to an end on working on the house we discover our refridgerator leaking and it got through the tile to the floor boards and made them swell. We now have to replace some floor boards and about 30 pieces of tile. :( It seems like there is always something.

The last thing I will update on is transportation. We own 3 cars and only 1 is currently running. Let me tell ya if that isn't stressful I don't know what is. Brad works in Granger and I work in Elkhart, he works evenings and I work evenings......which means we need 2 cars, thankfully we have a wonderful family that has been so kind in helping us out with our dilemma. Boy will I be thankful to have 2 cars again, which should be tomorrow. We are getting so close to living a somewhat normal life.

Now that I have written a book and update you all on everything going on right now, I think I am going to close. Hope you all have a great week and enjoy the holiday weekend.


Monday, August 24, 2009

New Bloggers

Brad and I decided that we will try out the blogging community. We think that this is a great way to stay updated with family and friends and to let everyone know what is going on in our busy lives. I am hoping that we will be able to take the time to stay updated during our crazy schedules.